Please be advised the SaferMedsNL public awareness campaign and research study concluded in December 2021. Data analysis is ongoing through 2022-2023, however, this website and the resources will no longer be updated and maintained effective December 30, 2022. The study team would like to thank everyone involved in the initiative. All questions about a medical matter should be directed to a healthcare professional. If you think you may be suffering from a medical condition, please seek medical attention.
Promoting safe and effective medication use for people living in Newfoundland and Labrador
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Are you or a loved one taking a sleep medication and considering stopping? Check out our resources here on the harms and benefits of sleep medication and how to safely stop. Tapering a medication, meaning to gradually stop taking it, can take a few months, or in some rare cases a year or longer, and should always be done with your prescriber or pharmacist.
Sleeping Pills
Are sleeping pills safe? Find out about the myths of using sleeping pills to get better sleep, side-effects and how to stop your sleeping pills safely
Reflux Medications
Our province has some of the highest use of proton pump inhibitors (medications used for heartburn and reflux) across Canada
COVID-19 Safe Medication Use
Counting sheep not working? Canadians are having trouble sleeping, now more than ever. But, there are safer and more effective options than sleeping pills.
SaferMedsNL is a collaboration between patients, pharmacists, doctors, and nurses all working together to make sure medications are continued when necessary and stopped when they are no longer needed.
Over the next few years, SaferMedsNL will focus on the safe use of reflux/heartburn medications (proton pump inhibitors) and sleeping pills.
Patients should always talk to their pharmacist, doctor or nurse before deciding to stop any of their medications.
Thanks to our collaborators