
For most people, reflux medication isn't meant to be taken for more than three months. It's time to review your reflux. #GetMeducated about your prescriptions. 

Ask your pharmacist, doctor, or nurse if you can safely stop your reflux medication. 


Acid reflux, commonly known as heartburn, occurs when the muscles of the lower esophagus don’t work as well as they should causing food and acid from the stomach to flow back into your esophagus. There are different things that people can do to help control acid reflux and related symptoms.

Managing acid reflux may involve lifestyle changes, over the counter medications such as antacids and alginates, and for some people prescription medications, called Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) may be needed. Keep reading to find out more about the safest and most effective way to manage your acid reflux.


How to manage reflux:

Can diet help control acid reflux?


You can reduce acid reflux without using a PPI by making these simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Watch what you eat:

The following foods may trigger your heartburn. You might want to avoid:

  • Alcohol, coffee

  • Fried, fatty or junk food

  • Citrus fruits

  • Food with lots of tomatoes

  • Onions and garlic

  • Spicy food

Other lifestyle tips to control acid reflux and prevent heartburn:

  • Eat smaller meals

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages

  • Stop smoking. Studies show that smoking increases your risk of heartburn and acid reflux.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight can increase your risk of heartburn or acid reflux.

  • Avoid eating just before bed or lying down. If you suffer from heartburn while sleeping, try raising your head off your bed by 6-8 inches or try using extra pillows.   

  • Do not wear tight clothes. The added pressure from tight-fitting clothes or belts that constrict your abdomen can make heartburn worse

Which heartburn meds are called proton pump inhibitors?

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) reduce the production of acid in the stomach. They are commonly prescribed to treat stomach problems such as heartburn, reflux and ulcers, and can also be used to prevent ulcers in people at high risk.

Examples of Proton Pump Inhibitors:

  • Dexlansoprazole (Dexilant)

  • Esomeprazole (Nexium, Nexium 24HR)

  • Lansoprazole (Prevacid)

  • Omeprazole (Losec, Olex OTC)

  • Pantoprazole (Pantoloc, Tecta)

  • Rabeprazole (Pariet)

Should I continue taking a proton pump inhibitor for more than 12 weeks?


For most people, proton pump inhibitors should be used for less than 12 weeks. Your doctor may recommend that you take them for longer than 12 weeks if you:

  • Take medications that irritate the stomach, such as anti-inflammatory medications (for example ibuprofen or corticosteroids)

  • Have had a major stomach bleed

Or if you have been diagnosed with:

  • Barrett’s esophagus

  • Severe esophagitis

  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

Make an appointment to speak to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse if you:

  • No longer have heartburn or have infrequent symptoms but are still taking a PPI

  • Have been taking your PPI for longer than 12 weeks

  • Do not have a reason to continue your PPI long-term (see the list of reasons above)